What Are The Effective Pest Control Measures?

Pest control is the unique technique to save crops. Pest are the most diverse group of organism on the earth. These insects are damaging the healthy plant and causes the deep effect on the crops production. It involves various methods and strategies to prevent, control, or eradicate pests that can damage crops. There are different types of pest around the world. Formers must be aware of such insects, managements and methods that should be control on it. Here we have to overview to control the pest of different crops analysis.

What are the best preventing measures for Pest Control?

  • Alternating crops in a field to disturbed pest life cycles.
  • Planting different crops together to confuse pests or repel them.
  • Removing plant debris and weeds that may harbor pests.
  • Choosing advance verities of crops that are best resistance against it.

How to pest control in Wheat?

Wheat is the largest grown crop allover the world. Different types of pest attack on it like aphides, fall army worms, Hessian fly, wheat stem sawfly, cereal leaf beetle, grass hopper and cutworms. These insects are very harmful, damage the plants and causes of low quality products in the market.

Pest Management (IPM) Strategies of Wheat

Common Practices

  • Rotate wheat with non host crops to disrupt pest life cycles.
  • Early or late planting can avoid peak pest populations.
  • Remove alternate hosts like grasses and weeds.
  • Cultivate pest resistant wheat varieties.

Biological Pest Control

It is most important factor for pest control technique in allover the world

  • Former should save the ladybug for aphids to control.
  • Parasites wasps are in the field for flies and beetles.
  • Encourage habitat for beneficial insects by maintaining ecological diversity.

Chemical Pest Control

If pest are not be control in the crops then use chemicals in the field. There are many types of chemicals for different insects. These chemical are basic necessary treatment for crops. Observing the field and suggest best chemical on the behalf of expert agriculture field officers.

How To Control Pest In Cotton?

Cotton is the one of the best crop in current era. Formers have a lot of issues to grow their plant because it is the attractive and suitable pest crop. If such insects should not be control, crops are damage and formers have a enough loss. We have to discuss here some tricks to handle the all insect that effect on it.

Pest Management Strategy Of Cotton

Common Practices

  • Rotation of crops with intercropping is one of the best technique to manage the pest like maize, bajra and till.
  • Best resistance seed should be grow for reducing pest.
  • Plant to plant air spacing or raised the beds with planter.
  • Removing crop residues after harvest helps minimize overwintering sites for pests.
  • To control the herbicides in the field.

Biological Pest Control

  • Former should save such insect that protect the crop and eaten pest like ladybugs, parasitoids wasps and sparrows.
  • Using biological agents like Bacillus thuringiensis or microbes can target specific pests, like the cotton bollworm, without harming non target organisms.

Chemical Pest Control

If above methods are not working properly, formers have to use chemical sprays to control the insects. Such method is so critical and dangerous in using this technique. We have to discuss the pest and some best chemical that are the most effective results.

How To Protect Maize From Pests?

Maize is also known as Corn. It is the most cultivated crop around the world. It is use for industrial zone and animal feeding. Green maize is the famous grass for milking animals. It is use for several varieties like whole kernels, cornmeal, cornstarch, and corn syrup. There are different types including Yellow corn, White corn, Sweet corn, Pop corn and Flint corn. It is affected various types of insects that reduce yield and quality. We have to define some pest control like Stem Borers, Fall Armyworm, Maize Weevil, Cutworms, Aphids, Corn Earworm and White Grubs.

Common Practices

  • Rotation of crop break the life cycles of pest.
  • Use those varieties that are high resistance against pest.
  • Maintain field hygiene by removing crop residues.

Biological Pest Control

Such method is one of the best practices to control pest though natural way. formers should measures and protect natural enemies like parasitoids, predators (lady beetles), or pathogens (Bacillus thuringiensis).

Chemical Pest Control

Which Pests Are Harmful In Sugarcane?

Sugarcane is the one of the best crop in modern world. It is the backbone of formers and industry. It produce juice, sugar, Bagasse, molasses, ethanol and byproducts. It is commonly grown in countries like Brazil, India, China, and Thailand. It is High in natural sugars, providing quick energy and Contains essential minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. It is also a source of antioxidants. But its diseases are so harmful and effect on its production.

Sugarcane Pests

There are serval types of pest attack on it like Top shoot borer, Stem borer, Whitefly, Pyrilla and Mealybug. Pest attack are the major problem for former. If not handle it, it created a lot of disturbance in the field.

Top Shoot Borer

Its symptoms are shown on the young plants. Exit holes in the stems and damage the root supply chain. Plants growth stopped and its color is looking yellow. Formers should take immediate action and use pheromone traps. Chemicals are play a major roles in such situation and use chlorantraniliprole. In future, grow those verities that produce resistance against it.

Stem Borer

Stem Borer create problems in the stem and dig holes in small plants. Plants growth stop slowly and it changed its color. Former should take immediate precautions to control its effects. To control the stem borer ensure proper drainage. Save the natural enemies like lady bug and apply the insecticides. Insect killer are the quick reaction and control its lifecycle. Use Quinalphos, Abamectin benzoate, Ripcord and Virtako for stem borer.


Whiteflies are widely spread insects. It attack on the yellowing on the plants leaves and disturbed the photosynthesis and overall health. Edalt flies lies hundred of eggs in one time. There small insects are so harmful and damage the crops rapidly. For precautions, former should spray neem oil and imidacloprid. Formers also use traps to control its effects. Pyriproxyfen is the most effective results and destroyed its colony.

Pyrilla ( leaf Hooper )

Leaf Hooper is another insect of sugarcane disease. It attacks on the leaves of the plants and exit holes on it. Leaves become dry and brittle. Its attack disturbed the photosynthetic efficiency. Former should introduce predators like lady bug and Epipyrops. Acephate, Bifenthrin and lambda cylothrine sprays are very useful for it.


Crops are the main beneficiaries in human history. These products are a symbol of living standers. The world economy suffer around it. When people grows such crops and introduce it as a industry some problems are created. Naturally, insects are involve and disturbed the quality and its production. These insects are very harmful and their management is so difficult to control. Pest are the most diverse group of organism on the earth. There are different types of pest around the world like Aphids, Thrips, Whitefly, Grass hopper, Stem borer, Pink Bollworms, Mealy Bug, Helicoverpa and Cutworms. For precautions, scientist are invent some chemicals.

What is Pest?

Pests are the insects that are in small shape, six legs and divided into three body parts head, thorax and abdomen.

What are the Pest control Measures?

When pest are damaging the crops some steps are measures to control such insects called pest control.

What are the names of pest that attacks on crops?

There are many types of insects like Aphids, Whitefly, Mealy Bug, Leafe Hopper, Thrips and Stem Borer.

Which insects are useful?

Some insects are useful for crops like Lady Bug, Bacillus thuringiensis and Lady Beetles.

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